Function Program:
Setting the needs in detail with functional program, physical evaluation, operational requirements, market demands and demographics.
Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment:
To conduct an integrated process for environmental impact assessment for hospitals with the chemical, physical, mechanical and biological hazards identification in the hospital’s premises. Model for the risk managements process-medical devices. Risk management plan for improving patient outcomes. Implementing an environmental auditing program for hospital settings as well as recording in the environmental register.
Hospital Medical Planning:
Hospital Design (architectural layouts), departmental space allocation, program and master plan concepts, space provisions, and departmental zoning, projected space needs and space set inconsideration with standards and healthcare design methodology
Technical Room Data Requirements Drawings
Detailed room layout drawing illustrated on a room-by-room basis. The following design requirements data: equipment loading in plans, list description and quantity of equipment planned for the activity space/room, typical electromechanical service outlets requirement, including electrical supply points, piped medical gases outlets, and other service requirements and typical technical data for the function and operation of medical equipment for the activity.
Planning of medical equipment:
Loaded floor layout plans showing locations and general layout of medical equipment and furniture system planned for the facility. A plan that achieves hospital design reflecting and incorporation infection and radiation control.
Tender Documents
Bill of quantity, room schedules and cost estimates for medical equipment’s and hospital furniture. A list of all medical equipment’s and furniture scheduled per room.